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The Main Library of Chaudhary Devi Lal University into existence in April 2003 in Tagore Bhawan of the University. It was shifted to the present impressive four storey building in the year 2010 Hon’ble Sh. Bhupinder Singh Hooda chief Minister Haryana inaugurated the new building with a rich collection of publications which include books, Indian and foreign journals, thesis/dissertations, reports, newspapers and magazines etc. the present building of library is easily approachable to all the Departments, Offices, hostels and also to the campus residents while all the reading areas are spacious, peaceful and furnished with comfortable furniture, the outlook of the library is decorated with beautiful lawns besides a sufficient space for parking special attention is given to the facilities of drinking water, light system and security system. The Wi-Fi system is made available in the library to provide easy access of internet to the users, the library has been divided into various sections.   Library Staff
Name Post
Prof. Umed Singh Librarian (Additional Charge)
Dr. Rajiv Vij Deputy Librarian
Mr. Satbir Singh Steno-Typist
Mr. Murlidhar Restorer
Dr. Sharmila Kumari Restorer
Mr. Rajkumar Library Attendant
Staff through Outsourcing Agency
Professional Library Assistant 02
Restorer 04
Library Attendant 04
Peon 01
Helper 01
Functioning of Library (As per chapter III of University calendar volume III) Library Committee acts subject to the control of Academic Council, the general management of University Library shall be the responsibility of the Library Committee which formulates library policies for the guidance of the University Librarian.  The Library Committee consists of the following:
01 Vice-Chancellor Chairman
02 Registrar Member
03 All the Deans of Faculties Member
04 All the Chairpersons of the UTDs Member
05 Two teachers nominated by the Vice-Chancellor Member
06 Librarian Member Secretary
The Vice-Chancellor may associate any other functionary/expert with the Committee. The nominated members of the committee shall hold office for two years.   For streamline the function of the Library A Committee for Books Purchase Rate has also been set up under the Chairmanship of Dean of Academic Affairs comprises of the following:
01 Dean Academic Affairs Chairman
02 Dean Faculty of Life Science Member
03 Dean Faculty of Education Member
04 Dean Faculty of Humanities Member
05 Dean Faculty of Law Member
06 Dean Faculty of Social Sciences Member
07 Dean Faculty of Physical Sciences Member
08 Librarian or his nominee Member Secretary
This committee deals with the rates, discount, mode of payment of books and journals besides it also decide the vendors of foreign journals etc.   Library Collection To cater the needs of the students, teachers, research scholars and staff, the University Library possesses a very rich collection of books, print and back volumes of journals and other reading material as per details given below:
i) Category of document Number of Document
  Books 97149
  SC/ST Book Bank 2269
  Indian and Foreign Journals 118
  Theses and Dissertation 825
  Magazines 11
  Dean Faculty of Physical Sciences 15
ii) Electronic resources (e-books, e-journals)
  E-resources available through INFLIBNET Shodh Sindhu Consortium
Sr. No. Resources Name Resource URL No of Journals
1 Economics & Political Weekly http://eqw.in/ 1
2 ISID http://isid.org.in/ Database
3 JCCC http://www.jccc-ugcinfonet.in Database
4 JSTOR http://www.jstor.org/ 3165+
5 Project Muse http://muse.jhu.edu/journals 676+
6 Springer Link http://link.spinger.com/ 1438+
7 Taylor & Francis http://www.tandfonline.com/ 1079
8 Wiley Blackwell http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com 908
a) E-journals (open access) 200 plus
b) E-books (open access) 10 plus
c) e-databases being availed by this University through DELNET
  iii). Special collections e.g. Text books, reference books standards patents
Special collections Number
Reference books 550 (approx.)
Books in regional languages 535 (approx.)
Competitive examination 85
Question papers bank 172 sets
  Working Hours: The library observes following timings:
  • Monday to Saturday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (without break)
  • One reading hall round the clock (including Sunday and public holidays).

The library opens from 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M without break. Three reading halls have been provided to the users with capacity of 250 readers simultaneously. One of the reading hall has been provided to the readers for reading upto 1:00 A.M. in the night. The Library functions six days a week by making suitable adjustments.

  • (i) All the members are required to maintain proper discipline within the library premises, and observe library rules strictly.
  • (ii) Silence shall be observed in the Library.
  • (iii) Visitors found taking loudly, shouting or quarreling with other visitors of staff members or indulging in eve-teasing or any other act of indiscipline shall be liable to punishment as per University Rules.
  • (iv) Smoking/spitting in the Library is strictly prohibited.
  • (v) No combustible material such as match-stick etc. shall be allowed to be taken inside the Library.
  • (vi) Damage to the Library property may lead to withdrawal of library privileges, and in serious cases, to heave find and other disciplinary action.
  • (vii) Only light writing material shall be allowed inside the library. Personal books, files, rain-coats, umbrellas etc. shall be deposited at the property counter of the library.
  • (viii) Any member, who is found guilty of taking a book out of the library without authorization, shall be liable to withdrawal of library privileges and/or fine. The quantum of punishment shall be determined by the University Librarian, keeping in view the intention involved and the availability of proof.
  • (ix) The University Librarian shall be competent to impose any or more of the following penalties, if any student is found guilty of any act of indiscipline. (a) Warning (b) Fine (c) Temporary of permanent withdrawal of library facilities of cancellation of membership. (d) Banning entry into the library on temporary or permanent basis.

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