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Univ. Health Centre, Bank & Shopping Complex

  • University Health Center
  • The University Health Centre located in the Shopping Complex on the 1stfloor from room no. 101-104. It has sufficient place for OPD, dispensary and inward. It has facility of consultation, medicines & laboratory tests, treatment at free of cost. There is an Ambulance to carry the sick students to referral hospitals. The Health Centre provides its services during games, physical efficiency tests and functions organized by university. The students, the employees & their dependents of the university are availing the medical facilities being provided by the University Health Centre. The University has ATM facility of Oriental Bank of Commerce. A branch of Oriental Bank of Commerce started functioning in the year 2011. The branch is located in the University Shopping Complex which also houses the University Health Centre. Medical facilities have been made available to the students through a regular appointed Medical Officer and technical staff.

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